Track and Optimize Your Mobile Assets in Real-Time

TERRAiQ is a cloud platform that uses real-time mobile tracking to power vehicle and asset management solutions. The solution underpins the following products:

Unlike traditional fleet management systems, TERRAiQ is a set of technologies that address specific business cases around mobility and asset tracking. The powerfully simple IoT platform helps solve real business problems without costly infrastructure investments.

Capabilities include:

  • Software-as-a-Service dramatically simplifies maintenance
  • Leverage consumer-grade smartphones where applicable
  • Natively scalable in cloud, supports millions of requests
  • Integration with Bluetooth beacons and other existing hardware

TERRAiQ Ecosystem

More than just vehicle tracking, TERRAiQ derives intelligence from your data – across a variety of use cases. Reports, maps, and other visualization tools deliver a better perspective on system performance, anomaly detection, trends, goal measurement, and more.