Ridesharing Government
Regulation for the 21st Century

CABiQ provides business analytics for taxicab and ride-sharing companies and regulators. Today, for-hire drivers operate in a highly regulated environment where government agencies ensure that every trip is compliant with local rules and all financial transactions are all accounted for and required fees are collected. CABiQ’s digital tools make it easy to improve citizens’ mobility.

Digital Transformation of the For-Hire Ecosystem

Taxicab regulations are costly. Much of the expense results from maintaining in-the-field staff to enforce regulations. This cost can be significantly reduced by implementing a digital system for enforcement. The administrative regulatory burdens placed on taxi companies can be integrated too, including recording trips, collecting taxes, and licensing.

Unified Data Collection Hub

The core of CABiQ is a centralized cloud data hub that collects trip data from third-party digital meters and ridesharing services. This allows taxi regulators to efficiently handle regulatory requirements with a host of easily analyzable data. The data hub reduces the need for staff in the field to perform enforcement checks - many of these tasks can be performed remotely with CABiQ.

Location, Trip Tracking and Digital Regulation

  • CABiQ tracks the location of each vehicle, and digitally records all trips. This gives regulatory agencies insight into the trips’ history, while automating regulatory workflows.
  • The system also makes it easier for riders to file complaints and for regulators to address them.
  • Inefficient, on-the-ground staff check-ins are replaced with digitally tracked data combined with advanced business intelligence reports to point out likely violations and monitor impact of ride-sharing services on city’s mobility

Digital Taxi Meters and API

CABiQ provides an open unified API enabling interactions between third-party ridesharing services and the government regulator (data hub). With this API, cities won’t need to mandate specific taximeter hardware/software, just compliance with the API. Taxi companies can choose to use a third-party digital meter or the optional built-in meter provided by CABiQ.
Supplemental CABiQ digital taximeter records time, route, and miles driven to calculate riders fare via a smartphone, then reports the data to the agency API. The taximeter also provides traffic and navigation information and integrates with universal dispatch and digital payment capabilities.

Business Intelligence: Performance Analysis

CABiQ provides business intelligence capabilities and makes sense of large amounts of data. In order for the regulators or city officials to drill down, explore, and answer business questions, CABiQ incorporates an intuitive dashboard interface with charts providing real-time information, on top of the Microsoft Power Business Intelligence infrastructure.
In addition, the solution’s powerful mapping interface leverages data about vehicle locations to map underserved areas, show popular trip destinations and origination points.