Streamline Food Truck Regulation

Ensure Accountability, Transparency, and Visibility

Food trucks have developed a fan following and become a rapidly evolving phenomenon, increasing the need for cities to regulate these meals on wheels and manage problems such as battles over turf wars (to stake out prime spots) generating headlines.
FoodTruckiQ opens up a new level of transparency between vendors, clientele and regulators, helping to fairly apply and enforce local regulations with the simplicity of a mobile app.

A Real-Time Operational Picture

With FoodTruckiQ, regulating agencies can see the locations of each registered food truck in real-time. Vendors and regulators receive automatic alerts about violations, simplifying enforcement by inspectors.
Other functionality eases operations for vendors and inspectors, with no-vending zone alerts, suspicious check-in alerts, support of lottery areas, and historical analysis of tracking food trucks over time to investigate compliance complaints.
Food truck owners check in and out daily, and this information is dispatched to the regulator. With this information in hand, regulating agencies can expose this data, allowing third-party developers to create Food Truck-finder apps or a comprehensive list of all registered food trucks in the city. Citizens and visitors can finally see which trucks are nearby or track the location of their favorite trucks every day.

Better regulation of food trucks ultimately means greater accountability, transparency and visibility.

How it Works

The power of FoodTruckiQ lies in its simplicity. Using a combination of smart device-based GPS and cloud technology, FoodTruckiQ provides a 360-degree view of individual food trucks on the road, without costly hardware investments.
FoodTruckiQ is an all-in-one mobile application with internal reporting, alerts, and regulatory intelligence. The platform provides “one source of truth” about all food trucks on the road, so agencies can keep a finger on the pulse of these roving restaurants, without costly overhead.

Features and Benefits

Whether you’re a regulator, a food truck owner or operator, or a hungry member of the public, the powerful FoodTruckiQ platform streamlines operations and provides up-to-date information.

Historical review: Solve customer complaints by looking back.

 All tracking events are saved online and the regulating agency can review truck behavior in the city retroactively by monitoring activity of food trucks over a period of time.

Connect food trucks with inspectors.

Food truck owners can get in touch with the inspector through the mobile app, minimizing time for issue resolution, such as complaints about other truck violations, questions about parking, and more.

Real-time view of food truck locations.

Hungry customers can now discover food vendors around them or follow favorites through FoodTruckiQ mobile and web apps and third-party options.

Create automatic alerts for violations.

Suspicious behavior is automatically recognized and captured by the system then reported to the regulator. Events include vending in prohibited zones, vending near “lottery zones,” moving vehicle while vending, etc.