Cloud Services

Harnessing the cloud’s scalability, flexibility, on-demand services

Migrating to the cloud is at the core of any digital transformation journey. The goal isn’t to replicate your data center in the cloud, but to leverage cloud services and transform the way IT and business operate. While most companies begin migrating to the cloud to reduce costs, they soon realize its real power lies in increased developer productivity.
Our team of engineers and architects will help you harness the power of the cloud, increasing efficiencies and accelerating time to market.

Cloud Strategy

On a high level, the cloud boils down to compute power, data storage, and on-demand services. While a geo-distributed system increases reliability and decreases latency, a wide variety of on-demand services allow users to leverage out-of-the-box solutions such as AI tools, CI/CD pipelines, version control repos, and more. The first question is, therefore, what do you want to achieve? Expected outcomes will serve as a benchmark to determine project success. Infrastructure benefit and cost analysis will ultimately lead to the right strategy for your use case.

Cloud Strategy Action Plan

  • Formulate problems to be solved
  • Determine green field vs brown field approach
  • Specify expected outcomes (KPIs)
  • Define IaaS/SaaS/*aaS mix and appropriate cloud provider/s
  • Cost assessment
  • Final strategy definition

Cloud Implementation

Moving to the cloud requires a cultural change. Leveraging its efficiencies, requires a different skillset and internal processes. Hence, the first step is to determine skills and training needs. While there may be a sense of urgency to move to the cloud, we recommend an iterative approach. There is a huge learning curve and teams will fail occasionally. Starting with a ‘minimal viable migration’ enables learning and course correction. Digital transformation requires strategic planning and will likely occur in stages.
Drastic infrastructure changes are always a challenge. Monitoring, disaster recovery, security and backup are critical parts of the implementation to ensure business resilience.

Cloud Implementation Action Plan

  • Determine skills and training needs
  • Define security approach
  • Determine disaster recovery approach for each workload
  • Set up monitoring toolkit
  • Migrate workloads to the cloud
  • Benchmark the outcome and revisit cloud strategy if needed