Ensuring reliable and accurate data flow across the enterprise and beyond
Today’s services and applications are heterogenous and deployed across multiple environments. They range from microservices to monoliths,
all needing to communicate. While they may all speak a different language, APIs can bridge that gap by creating a unifying communication
gateway abstracting the underlying differences and ensuring reliable and accurate data and logic flow.
Our team of API experts will help you identify and implement the right API strategy, develop a migration path for your existing applications,
and streamline application integration.
API Strategy
An API strategy largely depends on the goals. Monolithic systems may have multiple duplicate services used by different apps that must be
unified and made available via an API to increase efficiencies. Or APIs are to be exposed to external developers enabling them to create
new apps or integrate with existing ones. Alternatively, data may be migrated to the cloud via an API. Goals will ultimately determine
the strategy and roadmap.
API management systems differ. Security protocols, monetization ability, and customization are all capabilities that should drive the
decision. APIs can be hosted in the cloud, on-prem or in hybrid environments. What’s best for your use case?
API Strategy Action Plan
API goal definition
Roadmap development
API management system selection
Infrastructure selection
Prioritized API development plan
API Implementation
The reasons driving an API implementation vary widely, and so does implementation itself. To increase efficiencies of monolithic apps,
an API portfolio placed on top of legacy systems can abstract communication from the underlying system. Strangler patterns can be used
to convert legacy to (micro)services. To open APIs to the public, a secure, reliable management system must be implemented to ensure
only the right data is exposed to the right consumers. Data migration can be achieved by adding a cloud-hosted API on top of a monolith.
All these approaches can be used individually or combined, depending on your goals.
API Implementation Action Plan
Create and configure infrastructure, including API management platform and CI/CD pipeline
Implement API in accordance with API style guide and domain model
Compose API documentation
Develop, automate and perform unit, functional, load, security and penetration testing
Release API to production
Monitor, maintain, collect feedback and continuously improve APIs by releasing new versions