
Designers vs Developers—Game of Roles: Who gets the throne?

Panel Discussion

On June 20, 2017, EastBanc Technologies hosted a thought-provoking panel discussion on collaboration across product teams.


  • Tim Keough, Sympli (moderator)
  • Kyrylo Oliynyk, Capital One
  • David Miller, RideLeads
  • Natalia Tsymbalenko, EastBanc Technologies
  • Tedi Konda, RepEquity

Designers vs Developers—Game of Roles: Who gets the throne?
In product development teams, each role claims they’re the rightful heirs to the throne – but only one can wear the crown. In this panel, you’ll hear from all the players in the realm of product development, including a product owner, a QA, developers, and designers as they load up their bows and arrows to defend their titles.
The panelists will give a two-minute overview on the importance of their roles and will discuss the challenges and pain points they’ve seen in battle. The ultimate goal is to foster an understanding of how these roles work together and provide insights on how to better collaborate.