
Transforming Washington Post’s Digital Management with AWS

Streaming Media East

By Phoebe Connelly, Executive Producer, Video | The Washington Post

Learn how an innovative, cloud-based solution transformed the delivery and management of The Washington Post’s video content and saved hundreds of thousand dollars in ad revenue sharing fees.

Video content is a critical function of The Washington Post’s digital media strategy. Yet its legacy platform was plagued by reliability and support complications, as well as costly ad delivery issues.

To address these challenges, The Washington Post set about building an integrated video content management and delivery solution. Based on Java open source technologies and hosted in the Amazon Web Services cloud, the solution provided a highly customizable rich-media content and application hosting, processing and delivery platform.

Custom-developed with The Washington Post’s challenges in mind, the solution has evolved into a mission critical component of its publishing platform, while future-proofing its digital media strategy for years to come.

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Jill DaSilva | Director of Sales Operations | jdasilva@eastbanctech.com