
Monetize IoT—Blueprint for a Connected Economy

Cloud Expo

By Eric Hoffman, Vice President

The IoT is changing the way enterprises conduct business. In this session, we’ll discuss how businesses can gain an edge over competitors by empowering consumers to take control through IoT. We’ll cite examples such as a Washington, D.C.-based sports club that leveraged IoT and the cloud to develop a comprehensive booking system. We’ll also highlight how IoT can revitalize and restore outdated business models, making them profitable again. Lastly we’ll provide insight on the importance of properly establishing IoT in the cloud and the four steps you need to take in order to make your IoT program improve your service quality.

To learn how EastBanc Technologies’ IoT experts can help your organization thrive, contact:

Jill DaSilva | Director of Sales Operations | jdasilva@eastbanctech.com