The Challenge
Our client, a leading news media organization, has currently one of the largest digital readerships in the nation. A critical factor in the organization's success has been its innovative use of online video. Yet its use of outmoded content management technology meant that maintaining its prolific standing as a go-to site for online news, features, and opinion was quickly becoming a challenge.
Based on the legacy Ooyala platform, the content management platform was consistently underperforming. Plagued by a slow response, inefficiencies, and limited customer support, the platform was unreliable and failed to provide the flexible video delivery that the company and its readers depend upon. Furthermore, the platform’s pricing model, based on advertising revenue sharing, proved to be very costly. In order to pursue its aggressive digital strategy, the organization needed an alternative option with greater flexibility.
The Solution
To address these challenges, the company approached EastBanc Technologies to develop an integrated custom video content management and delivery solution to replace their legacy system. The new platform allows for the processing, delivery, and hosting of highly customizable and personalized rich-media content and applications, providing the flexibility needed to succeed in today’s competitive media landscape. The solution is an essential part of its publishing process. Integrated with other platforms, such as Méthode—still used for print today—it is now deployed to manage and publish online and print content.
Based on an agile approach and executed with efficiency in mind, the solution was built on Java open source technologies and hosted in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. The AWS Elastic transcoder service is used to re-encode videos.
The Result
Tailored for a digital media organization’s specific challenges, the company can now quickly adapt to the ever-changing digital environment. Video delivery is customizable and highly controllable, allowing them to promptly change video player behavior or look and feel. Updates and changes can be swiftly implemented enabling a dynamic video delivery experience. In addition, the media organization is realizing savings of $100,000 in advertising revenue sharing fees.
To learn how EastBanc Technologies’ experts can help your organization thrive, contact:
Jill DaSilva | Director of Sales Operations |