
5 Content Management Trends for Media Organizations to Watch

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The way in which we consume content is changing rapidly and a few trends have emerged recently that we think will have a meaningful impact on media organizations this year and in years to come.

1.Great Content is Not Enough

It’s no longer enough to just deliver great content, media organizations must satisfy consumer demand for content – the right format, on their preferred device, at the right time.

But with the rapidity of social media, no sooner is content posted it’s quickly outdated or irrelevant. In order to keep pace, media companies need to provide continuous almost real-time content output and intelligent delivery, while their content management systems (CMS) must provide them with the flexibility to compete.

Download> our paper "Keeping Pace With Content Dynamics"

2.“Snackable Content” is Driving Change

New channels and new devices are fueling demand for “snackable content.” To keep pace, media organizations are increasingly looking to provide almost real-time content output and intelligent delivery. For instance, if a user prefers to consume content on Facebook and newer events unfold, that content needs to be logically aware that it can find that user on Facebook and serve up fresh content as needed.

Miss the boat on this, and you don’t just miss the opportunity to reach readers, wherever they may be, you’re presented with a relevance crisis, where the nimblest providers win and the rest fall by the wayside.

3.Content is Shifting from Pull Mode to Push Mode

Instead of readers proactively seeking out content, a new era of push notification content technology is emerging in which the content itself will find new readers, even if they aren’t formally registered, subscribed, or known by the content creator. Thanks to data crumbs generated by potential readers, content providers can now follow audiences throughout their digital journeys and alert “the content” (when the context is right) to serve the consumer – ensuring the highest immediacy and relevance.

4.Legacy CMS’ are Struggling

Today’s CMS’ with their fixed function sets are lagging – making it challenging for media organizations to adapt to the rapidly evolving content delivery climate. Traditionally, companies would turn to external development firms to support and extend their capabilities. This is a high-risk approach that exposes them to vendor lock-in, reduced control over costs, and limits dexterity to shifting market forces.

5.“Lift and Shift” is Not the Answer

Lifting and shifting your CMS from one vendor to another isn’t the answer either. It’s important that you resist the urge to purge everything you currently use and head out to buy a new off-the-shelf CMS and risk millions of dollars in license fees. We recommend a different approach.

To find out what’s possible and explore new ways to create and deliver content across any user touchpoint, even those outside your control, download our paper “Keeping Pace with Content Dynamics” to learn more.

To learn how EastBanc Technologies’ CMS experts can help your organization thrive, contact:

Jill DaSilva | Director of Sales Operations | | 202-295-3010